The successful values of BPC

Transparency, integrity, expertise, commitment, responsibility, enthusiasm. Those are some of the key features of Banca Popolare del Cassinate, which has become a point of reference for the territory over the years. BPC has always been able to maintain its ambition to collect and encourage savings, thus making them merge with local investments and facilitating the development of families, companies, craftsmen and retailers.

BPC draws inspiration from the values and the tradition of cooperative banks: longstanding ties to the community, solidarity, support to the economic growth of local communities, customer relations focused on quality.

Those are the values BPC has cherished and promoted in time, as the restyling project of the branches shows, featuring an innovative approach: customer relations as the key factor, attention to families, privacy and confidence, concern for the environment, spaces where to chat with and take care of people.

A sound, trusted, fast and efficient bank, which offers ordinary products and services in addition to the most innovative ones, building a professional as well as personal relation with its customers thus fostering a customer-friendly service.

BPC for culture

Culture as a tool to boost economy and improve the life quality of the territory. Banca Popolare del Cassinate strongly believes it and has always invested in education, art, music, culture and performing arts.

Banca Popolare del Cassinate supports the main cultural and education organizations in the territory and promotes their educational and research activities as well as the right to education.

Furthermore, BPC also promotes prestige cultural events and sponsors local theatres and the main local cultural activities: every year dozens of events take place thanks to the commitment of BPC.

BPC for sports

Banca Popolare del Cassinate supports the world of sports, with both professional and amateur associations and companies, and in particular those who pay a special attention to young people, as we believe that sport values are the values from which our society should start up again: loyalty, team spirit, respect for the rules and competitors, healthy competition, but also dedication, discipline and sacrifice. Those are values that guarantee a personal growth, before the growth as a sportsperson, and make a community a better place, turning a group of people into a team.